In response to the late start experienced across Southern Australia, we launched a tailored webinar series. Each webinar was developed to deliver practical, actionable tips and expert insights to support decision-making during that season’s unique conditions.
By participating in one or all of the webinars (free to attend), you would have gained strategies to support the management of your livestock and cropping enterprises under those conditions, as well as your mental well-being and financial interactions.
Managing yourself to maintain your mental health
with Bron Stedall
Bron explored the importance of effective self-management for maintaining overall health and well-being. Acquire skills to boost productivity and make decisions in challenging circumstances.
Tuesday 2 July 2024 at 12pm-1pm AEST
Managing your grazing system plus feed budgeting
with Royce Pitchford
Royce discussed how to effectively match feed requirements with stocking rates and manage pasture growth for this season.
Monday 8 July 2024 at 12pm-1pm AEST
Optimising agronomic inputs in 2024
with Jana Freebairn (Dixon)
Jana shared insights and practical agronomic decisions for managing crops in a late break. She covered a wide range of topics including crop nutrition, weed management, pest control and managing input costs.
Wednesday 17 July 2024 at 12pm-1pm AEST
Effective financial management of your farm business
with Clint Emslie and James Hillcoat
Clint and James discussed modifying farm management processes to align with seasonal conditions and effectively communicating these changes with your bank.
Tuesday 23 July 2024 at 12pm-1pm AEST
Grain marketing: managing production vs price risk
with Chelsea Heinrich
Chelsea discussed tips for creating a well-defined marketing strategy that carefully balances price and production risk.
Tuesday 30 July 2024 at 12pm-1pm AEST