Farm business
Build the knowledge and skills in your team to enable practice change
Pinion Advisory has been working with farm businesses to build their capacity to adopt improved practices for many years. We understand that gaining knowledge isn’t always the solution, and to implement a change in your business it may require skill development and coaching for you and your team.
We offer a broad range of online and in-person training and coaching options, including breakthrough groups, short courses and one-on-one tailored support.
To view our different training programs and upcoming events, please click below.
Industry extension & adoption
Driving engagement in adopting best practice and delivering industry impact
Pinion Advisory has a proven track record in designing and delivering successful industry extension and adoption programs across Australia. Our team have practical experience in a range of industries and production systems, through a focus on productivity, profitability and sustainability. This, combined with our specialist skills in adult learning, extension, and project management, creates a recipe for successful and high impact industry adoption programs.
We work with our clients and delivery partners at national, state and regional levels, providing program design, technical delivery, program and project coordination, group facilitation, event management, risk management, monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment and communication services.
Farm business research
Researching and designing best practice
Pinion Advisory has a proven ability to find solutions to the hard questions asked by clients and industry. Our team is diverse in geography and skills, with a unique combination of research and analysis professionals, hands-on operational experience and a strong appreciation of commercial reality. We conduct research for individual clients, as well as at an industry level. Pinion Advisory is at the cutting edge and can bring the latest best practice thinking to clients.