Snapshot™ Benchmarking
A simple, stress-free business review that allows for year on year comparisons of your business
Benchmarking your farm’s performance is essential for staying competitive and driving continuous improvement. Our benchmarking tool, SnapShot™ offers a simple and visual business review solution for entrepreneurs seeking to assess their business’s performance. With SnapShot™, you can easily identify strengths and weaknesses, monitor key areas of your business and use the insights gained as a starting point for development and growth strategies.
Since 1997, SnapShot™ has provided a consistent structure for collecting and reviewing data, year after year. It serves as a reliable health check for your business, offering insights into successes and areas for improvement. Based on our extensive experience working with farmers and small businesses, SnapShot™ has been fine-tuned to monitor profitability and provide actionable suggestions for enhancements.
SnapShot NOW™ delivers a comprehensive overview of your entire business, while SnapShot Premium™ offers a deeper financial review. Together, these tools serve as essential benchmarks for all businesses, allowing you to compare trends year to year and against industry peers, monitor enterprise performance and measure contributions to overall results.
Snapshot NOW™
A simple, visual tool that helps you understand all aspects of your business. Snapshot NOW™ is available for cropping, mixed farming (cropping and sheep production), oyster farms, pastoral sheep meat and wool businesses.
It covers the following areas:
- Infrastructure
- Business management
- Production
- Business performance
- Self-management
- Commodity risk management
- Environmental management
- Human resources
This service involves:
- A simple and quick electronic questionnaire promoting business discussion
- A visual report highlighting business health
This service will assist you by:
- Providing a tool for business planning, family business meetings and annual reviews
- Providing a straightforward, insightful report
- Identifying business strengths and weaknesses
- Estimating your current position without ‘heavy’ financial detail
At the end of this review, you will have a better understanding of your business’s current position through a visual report that is essentially your own business plan.
Snapshot PREMIUM™
A benchmarking tool that provides an understanding of your business’s performance. SnapShot Premium™ is for businesses who want a clear direction for the future by understanding the financial health of their business.
This service involves:
- Straightforward, guided electronic data collection
- A financial report highlighting strengths and weaknesses
- Key benchmarks include debt-to-income ratio, equity, net worth and finance costs as a percentage of income
- Specific enterprise benchmarks for grain, sheep, beef and goats to monitor performance year-on-year
- A factsheet to explain the indicators and what they mean for your business
- An individual feedback session on the report to help you interpret the results
- Access to an overall report that analyses the performance of all similar businesses across SA in that year
This service will assist you by providing:
- Key business performance benchmarks based on your business financials and production data
At the end of this review, you will have improved knowledge of your business's profitability and areas for improvement.
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